Information System and its types

1. Information system and its types


Information system is a collection of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, co ordination, and decision making in an organization. Information systems are also the collections of  multiple information resources (e.g., software, hardware, computer system information) to gather, process, store, disseminate (spread) information. Information system is the interaction between the user and machine (computer) which gathers data and gives information under the control of the user. The main objective of such systems is to provide right information to its users at right time so that they can make right decision. The data must be analyzed and processed to produce meaningful and useful information on which management can take correct decision for future growth of the organization. Information system plays very important roles in the modern society because it informs us about opportunities and problems well in advance.

1.1 Types of Information System

On the basis of their purpose and uses, information system can be divided into the following types.

-> Office Automation Systems (OAS)
-> Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
-> Management Information Systems (MIS)
-> Decision Support Systems (DSS)
-> Expert Information Systems(EIS)


1.1.1.  Office Automation Systems(OAS)

          The information system that supports general office work for handling and managing documents and facilitating communication is known as ' Office Automation Systems'. It tries to improve the productivity, team work of employees who need to process data and information. 
Office automation systems includes gathering, communication, presentation, and calculation of the data. Office automation is a system that helps with the storing and processing of data in all its many forms. This system helps in keeping the data nicely organized and easy to access. It is also time saving.

1.1.2. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

         The information system that records daily transactions of an organization is known as Transaction  Processing System. Transaction Processing systems are used to record day to day business transaction of the organization. They are used by users at the operational management level.
In TPS, data about each transaction are captured, then the transactions are verified and accepted and rejected and only validate transactions are stored for later use by other types of information systems. It is very important for the organization as it collects all the inputs necessary of other types of systems. It is very important for the organization as it collects all the inputs necessary for other types  of systems. The main goal of TPS is to improve transaction processing by speeding it up, using fewer people, improving efficiency and accuracy of daily transactions and integrating it with other organizational information systems.

1.1.3. Management Information Systems (MIS)

          The information system that provides information in the form of standardized reports and displays to the mangers of the organization is known as 'Management Information System'. It generally takes the data from the 'Transaction Processing System' and converts them into a meaningful aggregated form that the managers need. MIS summarized and reports on the basic daily operations of the organization. Developing an MIS calls for a good understanding of what kind of information managers require and how managers use information in their jobs.

1.1.4 Decision Support System (DSS)

        The information system that is designed to help the high level management of an organization to make required decisions is known as ' Decision Support Systems'. The Decision Support System is a management - level, interactive computer  - based information system that helps managers to make decisions. This system specifically gives middle managers the information necessary to make informed, intelligent decisions. Instead of providing summaries of data, as with an MIS, an DSS provides an interactive environment in which decision makers can quickly manipulate data and models of business operation. A DSS is composed of a database ( extracted from TPS or MIS) mathematical or graphical models of business process, and a user interface that provide a way for the decision makers.

1.1.5. Expert Information System (EIS) 

           The information system that is designed to help the senior management make strategic decisions is known as ' Expert Information Systems'. It attempts to codify and manipulate knowledge rather than information. It includes expertise in order to aid managers in diagnosing problems or in problem - solving. These systems are based on the principles of artificial intelligence research. It works at the top level all other information system. It collects, analyzes and summarizes the many internal as well as external information used in the business and extracts the required knowledge for the senior managers. An expert system's components include a knowledgebase and software modules. These modules make interference ( conclusions) based on knowledge and respond to a user's query.


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